Media log

 march 7
what is learned from analysis of the magazines is that teens like the stupidest things ever and I had no idea that people like that kind of stuff it weird.

I was surprised  by how useless the information on them was i didn't think it was that bad, they talk about stuff that i don't find useful like" girl dyed her hair to brown" like that was so useful i need to know that.

i don't read magazine but if I wanted to read one it had to be about video games or something about YouTube's.

march 10   viral video and internet meme

viral video and internet memes are the new entertainment for this generation because they can watch them anywhere and everywhere anytime, that's why kid and teens like them.

  1. How many hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute? 48:00 hours 
  2. What three criteria does Kevin Alloca set for viral videos? participation, unexpectedness, and taste maker's 
  3. What is the role of a “tastemaker.” Who does Alloca use as an example? the taste maker is a group of people that have a bunch of viewer and they show videos for they viewers, he uses tosh.0 
  4.  With this form of media, who defines the popularity? the taste makers and the people that makes videos 
  5. How are viral videos and internet memes different from other forms of media? (think about who is consuming vs who is creating   viral videos and internet memes are different because everyone can make and view them and the other one you have to pay for some of them.
  6. Include two of your favourite viral videos that we did not watch in class today.  

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