Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Advertising Assignment

1. Who is the intended audience? The intended audience was the teens and early 20's 

2. How does the ad appeal to them?the Jordens makes you think if you wear them you can be better then other people at basketball, and Converse make you think that their style is better then shoe because shoes are boring. 

3. What visual element(s) does the ad contain? How are they used? (Refer to handout). For Jordens make you feel like you are better then everyone. Converse make you feel like you are a rebel. The ad contain something that make you think that wearing those shoe\sneakers you make you better or cooler    

4. What story component(s) are contained in the ad? How are they used?in Jordan that have people playing basketball and one guy is dunking. they are at a basket ball court, they have the Jordan symbol. in the converse they have this guy in a grocery store skateboarding   

5. What need(s) does the ad exploit? Explain.to play hard when you are playing basket ball or skate boarding 

6.   Does the ad address a social issue? How? NO

7. In your opinion, is the ad effective? Give at least 3 specific reasons why/why not. these ads are effective because i love basketball and i like wearing converse and they are just good shoe and i would buy them if I seen these ads.

8.      Which of the two ads is the most effective? Why?the converse are more effective for me because i love those sneakers 

Advertising & Product Placement.

1) Why do you think movies use this kind of product placement?  it just another way to sell the product but using the people in the movies to sell them like in Wayne's world. 

2) Do you think that it is effective? Why or why not? yeah I think it is effective because I want a pizza now that i seen Wayne's world 

3) Have you ever been influenced by a product placed in a movie? yes i did i went out to go by some shake and bake after watching talladega nights 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

my digital footprint

my reaction to these results is. I already know this stuff, I know that just simple going on the internet you leave a traces even on Facebook and that why you have to make sure your privacy is good.

my reaction the the Assess yourself thing. I thought it was kind of fun to know how ready I am to shape my digital footprint but I kind of already knew all that stuff.

Generations of Pop culture

pop culture in 1980s was interesting they had some cool thing like the Walkman, Ar-matron, Nintendo power glove,pocket-vision 3 and that are some of the stuff my moms generation owned. i think that tech really changed over the years but i wish i could of seen or have some of this stuff they seem really cool.