Friday, May 13, 2016


  1.  How does the portrayal of teen pregnancy differ from the movie Juno to shows like Teen Mom

Teen Mom and Juno  

they both have baby,
they were both sixteen,
they both stupid and had sex at a young age,
they both like a stupid guy 

Juno is pregnant in the movie and teen mom is after they have the baby.
Juno is funny then teen mom,
teen mom has more arguing then Juno

2. Does one glorify teen pregnancy more than the other? teen mom maybe because they got they famous because of the stupid ass.

3. Which of the two shows a more accurate portrayal of teens? Why? teen mom show a more accurate portray of teens because they show what its like step by step not like Juno seasons by seasons

4. Have you seen similar characters (Juno, Vanessa, Paulie and Mark) in other films/ soap opera? Is it common to know such people in our real life? Can you guess and explain what the director actually implies? noi i have never meet any body  like these people in real life.

5.     5. What kind of impact do you  think the movie Juno has on teens and teen pregnancy? Why? they are just showing how hard it is to make it in real life and to be pregnant at a young age.

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