Friday, June 3, 2016

Cripface, Blackface

1. Is it fair to cast White, Christian, able actors if there aren't enough community actors available? Why might producers use this as an excuse?  its alright with me like what if the people they wanted suck at acting or the one who are good at acting  just didn't want to do the part. so yeah this could be used as an excuse in my mind.

2. Is there a differences between cripface and practices likes blackface or casting White actors as Asians, Aboriginals, etc. If so, why? If not, why do we accept cripface but not these other practices?  cripface is not as bad as the other because there isn't much actor that have disability's and if there were some they might now even take the job for the show same goes with casting whites as Asians, Aboriginals there might not be some Asians or Aboriginals who would take acting classes, but blackface is just stupid like it makes me mad as HELL!!    

3. Actors often play characters who are significantly different than themselves such as aliens, members of the opposite sex, or people from other times or places. What is the difference between this and "face" casting?
Is it more important that writers and producers come from the community being represented?  if its aliens who cares its not like they live here having to watch it and even if they do come here and watch it, we would be long dead before they get here (TRUMP!!!!!!) 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Letter to the Editor

Dear EA Dice and Electronic Arts.

I just want to say that you guys made awesome games and i love it, the only thing i didn't like about it is the OP snipers on battlefield 4, don't get me wrong i love sniping on the games but not the OP sniper, i like the challenge it has for the player.
i cant wait for your guys new battlefield 

yours truly MrHamburger49 

Monday, May 30, 2016

TEENS MOM stats in 20 years

the one thing i noticed about teen pregnancy is that they didn't make a chart for the year 2016

2. i wouldn't know if the data changed because there is no chart that i could look at.

3. I think TV shows make teenagers think if they get pregnant at a young age than they have pretty good chance of getting famous

Friday, May 27, 2016

Teens TV shows

I think that all of them are good TV show but I didn't like how they showed the rich teens in the OC and the Gossip girls. The only one I think that actually was good was Glee because they do it in a public school were they showed kids that are nobody trying to be somebody. Over all they do show what teens go through like bullying and cyber-bulling. And what i really didn't like about OC and Gossip girl is the rich kid like who cares about them they are all right, they got it all.

Friday, May 13, 2016


  1.  How does the portrayal of teen pregnancy differ from the movie Juno to shows like Teen Mom

Teen Mom and Juno  

they both have baby,
they were both sixteen,
they both stupid and had sex at a young age,
they both like a stupid guy 

Juno is pregnant in the movie and teen mom is after they have the baby.
Juno is funny then teen mom,
teen mom has more arguing then Juno

2. Does one glorify teen pregnancy more than the other? teen mom maybe because they got they famous because of the stupid ass.

3. Which of the two shows a more accurate portrayal of teens? Why? teen mom show a more accurate portray of teens because they show what its like step by step not like Juno seasons by seasons

4. Have you seen similar characters (Juno, Vanessa, Paulie and Mark) in other films/ soap opera? Is it common to know such people in our real life? Can you guess and explain what the director actually implies? noi i have never meet any body  like these people in real life.

5.     5. What kind of impact do you  think the movie Juno has on teens and teen pregnancy? Why? they are just showing how hard it is to make it in real life and to be pregnant at a young age.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


1. Does the show create a negative or positive image of teens? Explain. the show crates a negative image of teens because it makes it look like teens cant get anything done by them self. Just my thoughts 

2. What effect might “Teen Mom” have on what teens consider “typical” behavior? The effect that might have of teens is that get pregnant and get famous. 

3. Are 
“Teen Mom” viewers more likely than non-viewers to perceive teen pregnancy as acceptable or even positive? Is the “celebrity” status of the cast members (the fact that teens are seeing them everywhere in the media) a factor in this? How might this influence teens’ own behavior? (Some have suggested that watching “Teen Mom” will make girls want to become pregnant in the hopes of getting famous, since some of cast member Jenelle’s friends actually became pregnant after she did.) Might a “likeable” cast member have more influence on teens than one who is perceived as “behaving badly”?  

Yeah i think this show makes it more likely to make teens get pregnant in hopes to get famous.

4. Do you think this show presents a fair and accurate view of teenagers today? Does the show promote prejudices or stereotypes of teens?  Yeah it a fair and accurate view teenagers today, yeah the show promotes stereotypes.

5. Which aspects of “Teen Mom” communicate that the show is “entertainment,” and which aspects communicate that the show is an “informative documentary”? Is a reality show like this a combination of both? Do both forms of media have equal influence on teens?  i dont know alot about this show but what i seen in they 10 min it was the stupidest thing i even watched and their was no such thing as entertainment in this show and no information at all just teens that had babys 

6. If teens are viewing "Teen Mom," are they likely to believe that teen pregnancy is increasing, or tat it is widespread in the U.S.? Are these things actually true  Yes these things are true about teens but making a show about it doesn't make it better it just make teens what to get famous 


7. Do you think that the people on "Teen Mom" act the way they normally would or do you think they act a certain way for the cameras?   

they just act like that  for the rates for the show, unless that how the meddle class people act i don't know how they act maybe that how they act but IDK 

Monday, May 2, 2016

product placement in music videos

1. Do you think product placement is more or less effective than in movies? Why? I think that product placement is not effective but  this this is school so i have to give answer that makes the teacher happy , so i think in the movies it is more effective because more people watch movies then they watch music video.

2. Have you ever bought a product because it was featured in a music video? no i have not 

3. Do you think product placement takes away from music videos?i just listen to the music i do not watch them 

4. Should it be allowed? as long as they dont sing about the product then I dont care.
5. Find 5 examples of product placement in music videos other than the examples shown in the video. If you don't know any look it up! You might be surprised what you find! 

Britney spears- work Bravo India Tango charlie hotel.twist perfume,plant Hollywood, the beat pill


Jaden Smith and Bella Thorne
Bella most popular movie she was in is called the DUFF and in much more movies. she always open to the media and will be willing to interact with her fans and tell the honest stuff

Jaden Smith is popular with movies like karate kid and after earth.
he likes to dress in women's clothing and wear


Degrassi Next class

merchants of coolness

If i was training new grunts for this field of work they would need to know how to observations and predictions in changes of new or existing cultural trends, I would train them to look form new trends and look for the new cool people.

Teen Pregnancy in the Media

They made Teen Mom to show kids that it is harder then it looks and that this is an epidemic but it is an preventable epidemic, MTV is trying to teach Teens about safe sex and if you don't it could be trouble for you,  By watching this show MTV got teens to settle down and the pregnancy rates drop over the pasted 20 years except for a small spike from the 2005 to 2007, they did the show with white middle class women and not lower class women because they didn't want the public to discount the show as 'Oh that doesn't apply to me'

Teens in the Media - Is it Accurate?

1. Do you think teens are portrayed accurately and fairly? If the news reported it then the 4374 crimes committed by teens is accurately but that no reason to say that all teens are bad and just doing bad if you listen to the new they just report the bad new to get a better pay check, so no i dont think its fair but some what accurate 

2. Does the media reinforce stereotypes? Are they realistic or fair? The media always reinforces stereotypes no matter what the topic is. in this case the stereotypes are realistic and fair 

3. Are the teens you see on TV like you?  NO their is no one like me in this world!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Josh, David, Jared

I think i belong in the belongers group, because I am traditionalists i dont like to go to a fast food restaurant i dont know, and i like to enjoy a good coke in the afternoon and i do not like to go out of my comfort zone.

David is an emulator-achiever because he like to buy everything new or he wouldn't buy the item at all and he like to dress well or he wouldn't go out in public.

Jared is an emulator because he like to buy the stuff that all his friends buy and he wears to much axe body spay.   

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Product Placement Transformers

i do not think it is just one big advertisement for different companies because i didn't see that much  advertisement in the movie or maybe i just have a bad eye for spotting that kind of stuff.

I don't think having placement product in the movie made it a bad movie i didn't really notice them but if it was using it to much and they made the actors say " oh my god this coke is soo good" and he pointed at the coke and carried on with movie, but if was like Wayne's World and making fun of it then yeah it alright.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Advertising Assignment

1. Who is the intended audience? The intended audience was the teens and early 20's 

2. How does the ad appeal to them?the Jordens makes you think if you wear them you can be better then other people at basketball, and Converse make you think that their style is better then shoe because shoes are boring. 

3. What visual element(s) does the ad contain? How are they used? (Refer to handout). For Jordens make you feel like you are better then everyone. Converse make you feel like you are a rebel. The ad contain something that make you think that wearing those shoe\sneakers you make you better or cooler    

4. What story component(s) are contained in the ad? How are they used?in Jordan that have people playing basketball and one guy is dunking. they are at a basket ball court, they have the Jordan symbol. in the converse they have this guy in a grocery store skateboarding   

5. What need(s) does the ad exploit? play hard when you are playing basket ball or skate boarding 

6.   Does the ad address a social issue? How? NO

7. In your opinion, is the ad effective? Give at least 3 specific reasons why/why not. these ads are effective because i love basketball and i like wearing converse and they are just good shoe and i would buy them if I seen these ads.

8.      Which of the two ads is the most effective? Why?the converse are more effective for me because i love those sneakers 

Advertising & Product Placement.

1) Why do you think movies use this kind of product placement?  it just another way to sell the product but using the people in the movies to sell them like in Wayne's world. 

2) Do you think that it is effective? Why or why not? yeah I think it is effective because I want a pizza now that i seen Wayne's world 

3) Have you ever been influenced by a product placed in a movie? yes i did i went out to go by some shake and bake after watching talladega nights 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

my digital footprint

my reaction to these results is. I already know this stuff, I know that just simple going on the internet you leave a traces even on Facebook and that why you have to make sure your privacy is good.

my reaction the the Assess yourself thing. I thought it was kind of fun to know how ready I am to shape my digital footprint but I kind of already knew all that stuff.

Generations of Pop culture

pop culture in 1980s was interesting they had some cool thing like the Walkman, Ar-matron, Nintendo power glove,pocket-vision 3 and that are some of the stuff my moms generation owned. i think that tech really changed over the years but i wish i could of seen or have some of this stuff they seem really cool.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

when i am 60

the elderly in my time would not like the stuff i like today because they didn't have TV's when they were young, they like working and always doing stuff for there mother or father. i will tell my grandchildren about this called Facebook and how it work and how boring it was if you don't got any friends and tell they how funny family guy was with peter griffin.

Monday, February 8, 2016

My favorite genre

I have two favorite genre

the first one is The Shannara Chronicles it is Fantasy

there are Elf's, Human's, Demon's, Gnome's, Troll's,

the action in this film is fighting Demon with swords and magic

the action takes place on earth but the humans almost died out and all the building and stuff we have today are all broke and looking old.

this film has ending that would make you wanting more

the second one is SOA. (sword art online) the genre is Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Massively multiplayer online role-playing game

there are to much characters to mention they all by name but the two main characters are kirito and  asuna

the action in this film are with swords and season two are if magic and the thirdseason there are guns 

the ending are dramatic